Handsome Yusuf

Mog Loves Laps Too

Mog Loves Tummy Rubs

Snuggling Time

Sleepy Yusuf

Relaxing Yusuf
This amazing pair of 3 1/2 year old orange tabbies was recently surrendered to us as their owner was moving and unable to take the cats along. They are absolutely the sweetest and most gentle cats. We are looking to place these boys together. Mog is the more outgoing of the pair. He seeks out attention and absolutely LOVES belly rubs. His purr is so wonderfully rich and loud. He’s just such a happy boy! Yusuf is equally gentle and loves being held. He’s just more of an introvert than his brother!

Handsome Yusuf

Mog Loves Laps Too

Mog Loves Tummy Rubs

Snuggling Time

Sleepy Yusuf

Relaxing Yusuf
This amazing pair of 3 1/2 year old orange tabbies was recently surrendered to us as their owner was moving and unable to take the cats along. They are absolutely the sweetest and most gentle cats. We are looking to place these boys together. Mog is the more outgoing of the pair. He seeks out attention and absolutely LOVES belly rubs. His purr is so wonderfully rich and loud. He’s just such a happy boy! Yusuf is equally gentle and loves being held. He’s just more of an introvert than his brother!